| Subject area | FP | Task
| Subject | where | Address
1 | Electronics | 1
| E01/06/07/08/09
| Basic Electronics
| FP | INF 501
2 | Mechanics and Vacuum | 1
| F70/71
| Mechanics and vacuum
| FP | INF 501
3 | Computer and Data Processing | 1
| F75/76/77/78
| Computer and data processing
| FP | INF 501
4 | Measurement Methods | 1
| F80/81
| Scintillators
| FP | INF 501
4 | Measurement Methods | 1
| F82/83
| Coincidence spectrometer
| FP | INF 501
5 | Optics 1 | 1
| F85/86/87
| Basic Optics
| FP | INF 501
6 | Solid State Physics | 2
| F29
| Atomic force microscope
| CAM (INF 225) | INF 225, Raum 00.415 (nur vom Südeingang erreichbar)
6 | Solid State Physics | 2
| F69
| Laue X-ray diffraction
| FP | INF 501, Raum -002 (UG)
6 | Solid State Physics | 2
| F98
| SQUIDs and noise thermometers
| KIP | INF 227, Raum 00.222
7 | Spectroscopy | 2
| F43
| Raman spectroscopy
| MPI |
7 | Spectroscopy | 2
| F44
| Zeeman spectroscopy
| MPI | Saupfercheckweg, Beschleunigerlabor
7 | Spectroscopy | 2
| F47
| Cyclotron frequency in a Penning trap
| MPI | Saupfercheckweg
7 | Spectroscopy | 2
| F61/62
| PI | INF 226, Raum 02.410
8 | Nuclear and Particle Physics | 2
| F13
| Muon lifetime and characterization of SiPMs
| PI | INF 226, Raum 03.416
8 | Nuclear and Particle Physics | 2
| F91/92/93/94
| Studying the Z Boson with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
| FP | F91/92: INF 501, Raum -105 (UG); F93/94: virtuell
8 | Nuclear and Particle Physics | 2
| F96/97
| Characterisation of Silicon Pixel Sensors for High-Energy Physics
| FP | virtueller Versuch
9 | Environmental Physics | 2
| F18/38
| Stratospheric trace gases
| IUP | INF 229, Labor 238
9 | Environmental Physics | 2
| F55
| Rayleigh fractionation
| IUP | INF 229
9 | Environmental Physics | 2
| F56
| Environmental Radioactivity
| IUP | INF 229
10 | Optics 2 | 2
| F20
| Magneto-optical trap
| PI | INF 226, Raum 01.415
10 | Optics 2 | 2
| F30
| Stellar CCD photometry
| MPIA | Königstuhl
10 | Optics 2 | 2
| F36
| Wave front analysis
| MPIA | Königstuhl
10 | Optics 2 | 2
| F66/67
| Entanglement and quantum encryption
| KIP | INF 227, Raum 01.207
11 | Complex Systems | 2
| F09/10
| Neuromorphic Computing
| FP | INF 501, Raum -104 (UG)
12 | Medical physics | 2
| F95
| Medical image analysis
| Department of Radiation Oncology
University Medical Center Mannheim | Universitätsklinikum Mannheim, Theodor-Kutzer-Ufer 1-3, Haus 3, Ebene 4
13 | Statistical methods | 2
| S01/02/03/04
| Statistical methods in experimental physics
| FP | virtuell
13 | Statistical methods | 2
| S10/11
| Machine learning
| IWR |