University of Heidelberg
Bild Institut
Physikalisches Institut
Im Neuenheimer Feld 226
69120 Heidelberg

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Physikalisches Kolloquium

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Next Talk:

"Ultrafast Dynamics in Hybrid Semiconductors for Energy Applications"

Prof. Dr. Felix Deschler 
(Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Heidelberg )
Friday, 24.01.2025 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Hörsaal 1
Physikalisches Kolloquium

Physikalisches Kolloquium in Agenda

"Cosmological Simulations of Galaxy Formation and Evolution"

Prof. Lars Hernquist (Harvard University)
Thursday, 09.04.2015 at 17:30 o'clock (s.t.)
Kolloquium der XXXIV. Heidelberger Graduiertentage - Hans Jensen Invited Lecture
INF 227, HS 1
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Quark Gluon Plasma - very hot and very cool "

Prof. Barbara Jacak (Department of Physics, University of California)
Friday, 17.04.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
Festkolloquium anlässlich des 60. Geburtstags von Prof. Dr. Johanna Stachel
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Wind Energy and the Need to Understand Turbulence"

Prof. Joachim Peinke (Institut für Physik, Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg)
Friday, 24.04.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Quantum Computing and Majorana Fermions: The Status of Experiment"

Prof. Charles M. Marcus (Condensed Matter Physics, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen)
Friday, 08.05.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Spin clocks: Investigation of fundamental symmetries in nature"

Prof. Dr. Werner Heil (Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
Friday, 15.05.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Searching for Lepton Flavour Violation with the Mu3e Experiment"

Prof. Dr. Niklaus Berger (Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Mainz)
Friday, 22.05.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"The Rosetta Mission - Where no Spacecraft has gone before"

Dr. Richard Moissl (European Space Agency (ESA) und European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC), Villanueva de la Canada (Madrid), Espana)
Friday, 29.05.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"A single charge in a Bose-Einstein condensate: from two to few to many-body physics"

Prof. Dr. Tilman Pfau (5th Institute of Physics, Universität Stuttgart)
Friday, 05.06.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Black holes, Information, and the World as a Hologram"

Prof. Raphael Bousso (Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California)
Friday, 12.06.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Building Brains"

Prof. Stephen Furber (School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
Friday, 19.06.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
Meier Symposium
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Festkolloquium - Exploring the physics of galaxy formation with supercomputers "

Prof. Dr. Volker Springel (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Universität Heidelberg)
Friday, 26.06.2015 at 17:15 o'clock
INF 308, Hörsaal 1
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Shining light on the dark universe"

Prof. Martin Kunz (Département de physique théorique, Université de Genève)
Friday, 03.07.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Atomic Quantum Simulation of Abelian and non-Abelian Gauge Theories "

Prof. Uwe-Jens Wiese (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Fachbereich Physik, University of Bern)
Friday, 10.07.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
Gemeinsames Kolloquium mit Karlsruhe
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"Silicon Photomultipliers & Beyond: New sensors for the fast, spatially resolved detection of few optical photons"

Prof. Dr. Peter Fischer (Lehrstuhl für Schaltungstechnik und Simulation, Institut für Technische Informatik der Universität Heidelberg)
Friday, 17.07.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

"The Search for Axions "

Prof. Pierre Sikivie (Department of Physics, University of Florida)
Friday, 24.07.2015 at 17:00 o'clock c.t.
KIP, INF 227, Otto-Haxel-Hörsaal
Physikalisches Kolloquium

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Current Semester: WS24/25  
Preview: SS25 
IT Department