Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium
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Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium in Agenda"Isolated quantum systems in extreme conditions" Prof. Dr. Jürgen Berges (Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Heidelberg)Wednesday, 19.10.2016 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock announcement Pretalk: Elena Kozlikin, Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik, Universität Heidelberg, "Nonequilibrium statistical field theory for the formation of structure" Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics Wednesday, 02.11.2016 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "From Dicke Subradiance to Anderson localisation: a classical many body problem" Robin Kaiser (Institut Non Linéaire de Nice, Valbonne)Wednesday, 16.11.2016 at 17:00 o'clock announcement Please note that the talk will start at 17:00, there will be no pretalk Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Measuring dynamic correlation functions" Prof. Dr. Michael Kastner (National Institute for Theoretical Physics, South Africa)Wednesday, 30.11.2016 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock Pretalk: Thomas Ding, MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg, "Towards Multidimensional Spectroscopy with XUV and Soft-X-ray Pulses" Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Laser cooling and magneto-optical trapping of molecules" Dr. Michael Tarbutt (Imperial College, UK)Wednesday, 14.12.2016 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock announcement Pretalk: Adrien Signoles, Physikalisches Institut, "Non-equilibrium dynamics of dipolar interacting Rydberg spins" Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Towards a nuclear clock: On the direct detection of the thorium-229 isomer" Lars von der Wense (LMU Munich)Wednesday, 11.01.2017 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock announcement Pretalk: Philipp Kunkel, KIP, Universität Heidelberg, "Spatially distributed many-particle entanglement in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate" Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "Using online computer games for quantum optimization tasks" Jacob Sherson (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark)Wednesday, 25.01.2017 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock announcement Pretalk: Maximilian Prüfer, KIP, Universität Heidelberg, "Quenches in one-dimensional spinor Bose-Einstein condensates" Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics "The bizarre one-dimensional quantum world" Thierry Giamarchi (Université de Genève, Schweiz)Wednesday, 08.02.2017 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock Pretalk: Bing Yang, Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg, "Observation of quantum criticality and Luttinger liquid in one-dimensional Bose gases" Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403 Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics |
Archiv: WS02/03 | SS03 | WS03/04 | SS04 | WS04/05 | SS05 | WS05/06 | SS06 | WS06/07 | SS07 | WS07/08 | SS08 | WS08/09 | SS09 | WS09/10 | SS10 | WS10/11 | SS11 | WS11/12 | SS12 | WS12/13 | SS13 | WS13/14 | SS14 | WS14/15 | SS15 | WS15/16 | SS16 | WS16/17 | SS17 | WS17/18 | SS18 | WS18/19 | SS19 | WS19/20 | SS20 | WS20/21 | SS21 | WS21/22 | SS22 | WS22/23 | SS23 | WS23/24 | SS24 Current Semester: WS24/25 Preview: SS25 |
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