University of Heidelberg
Bild Institut
Physikalisches Institut
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69120 Heidelberg

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Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium

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Next Talk:

"Excitations in One-Dimensional Supersolids"

Lily Platt 
(Department of Physics, University of Otago)
Tuesday, 14.01.2025 at 11:00 - 13:00 o'clock
Special CQD Colloquium
Physikalisches Institut, INF 226, K 1-3
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium in Agenda

"Universal few-body phenomena in experiments with ultracold atoms and molecules"

Steven Knoop (University of Heidelberg)
Wednesday, 14.10.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Pretalk: Budhaditya Chatterjee 'Tunneling dynamics of ultracold few boson systems in a double-well with spatially modulated interaction'
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Spin squeezing and entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates on a microchip"

Philipp Treutlein (LMU Muenchen)
Wednesday, 21.10.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Cold atoms inside a hollow core fiber: a novel medium for nonlinear optics"

Sebastian Hofferberth (CUA, MIT, Boston)
Wednesday, 28.10.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Quantum dynamics of doped helium nanodroplets probed by femtosecond spectroscopy"

Marcel Mudrich (Universität Freiburg)
Wednesday, 04.11.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Factorization of numbers, Schroedinger cats and the Riemann hypothesis"

Wolfgang Schleich (University of Ulm)
Wednesday, 11.11.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Cold Molecules and Molecular Physics"

Olivier Dulieu (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud XI, Orsay)
Wednesday, 18.11.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Ballistic quantum transport: Recent results and insights"

Stefan Rotter (TU Wien)
Wednesday, 25.11.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics


Joachim Ankerhold (University of Ulm)
Wednesday, 02.12.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Exploring the dynamics of strongly correlated ultracold atoms"

Henning Moritz (ETH Zuerich)
Wednesday, 09.12.2009 at 17:00 / 17: 30 o'clock
Pretalk:Ying-Chih Chiang 'Dynamics of interatomic Coulombic decay in NeAr following K-LL Auger transition in the Ne atom'
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Entanglement in ultracold atomic physics"

Peter Drummond (University of Queensland)
Wednesday, 16.12.2009 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"AMQ Poster Session"

 Wednesday, 13.01.2010 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Spectroscopy and Laser Control of Electron Motion: Classical and Quantum Dynamics on Attosecond Timescales"

Thomas Pfeifer (MPI für Kernphysik, Heidelberg)
Wednesday, 20.01.2010 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock
Pretalk: Christian Groß "Non-linear atom interferometry beats classical precision limit"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases"

Dmitry Petrov (LPTMS, Paris)
Wednesday, 27.01.2010 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock
Pretalk: Hanna Schempp "Coherent Population Trapping with Controlled Interparticle Interactions"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Many-body dynamics of bound dimers and monomers in the Bose-Hubbard model"

Michael Fleischhauer (Universität Kaiserslautern)
Wednesday, 03.02.2010 at 17:00 / 17:30 o'clock
Pretalk: Mario Mendes "Isomers in Space - Dissociative Recombination of DCN D+"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

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