University of Heidelberg
Bild Institut
Physikalisches Institut
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69120 Heidelberg

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Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium

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Next Talk:

"Excitations in One-Dimensional Supersolids"

Lily Platt 
(Department of Physics, University of Otago)
Tuesday, 14.01.2025 at 11:00 - 13:00 o'clock
Special CQD Colloquium
Physikalisches Institut, INF 226, K 1-3
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium in Agenda

"The proton size: status and perspectives"

Paul Indelicato  (ENS, Paris)
Wednesday, 13.04.2011 at 17:00 / 17.30 o'clock
Pretalk: Oliver Matula (PI) "Angular correlations in radiative cascades following dielectronic recombination"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Atoms – A Microscopic View on Artificial Quantum Matter"

Markus Greiner (Harvard University)
Wednesday, 20.04.2011 at 17:00 / 17.30 o'clock
Pretalk: Simone Götz (PI) "Ultracold atoms as a target for highly charged ion beams"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics


 Wednesday, 27.04.2011 at 17:30 o'clock

Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Poster session "

 Wednesday, 04.05.2011 at 17:30 o'clock
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Structure and dynamics of highly-charged heavy ions"

Andrey Surzhykov (Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg)
Wednesday, 11.05.2011 at 17:00 / 17.30 o'clock
Pretalk: Eike Nicklas (KIP) "Mixing and de-mixing of nonlinear dressed states"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics


 Wednesday, 18.05.2011 at 17:30 o'clock

Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Quantum bit embedding in an ultra-cold Fermi sea"

Thomas Busch (University College Cork)
Wednesday, 25.05.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: Kai Ji (Institute of Theoretical Physics) "Emergence of non-thermal statistics in isolated quantum spin clusters"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Fate of bright solitary waves in attractive low-dimensional BECs"

Alexej Streltsov (Physikalisch-Chemisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg)
Wednesday, 01.06.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: Boris Nowak (ITP) "Superfluid Turbulence and Statistics of Vortices"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"The versatile atom optical delta-kicked rotor"

Gil Summy (Oklahoma State University)
Wednesday, 08.06.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: Wen-Te Liao (MPI-K) "Nuclear coherent population transfer with x-ray laser pulses"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"An ion in a sea of ultracold neutral atoms"

Johannes Hecker-Denschlag (Universität Ulm)
Wednesday, 15.06.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: Martin Robert-de-Saint-Vincent (PI) "A quantum trampoline for ultracold atoms"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Universal Efimov physics in ultracold gases"

Servaas Kokkelmans (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Wednesday, 22.06.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: Tobias Schuster (KIP) "Mapping out the Feshbach Spectrum of a Sodium-Lithium Mixture"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Strong interactions: from universal properties to neutron-rich extremes "

Achim Schwenk (TU Darmstadt)
Wednesday, 29.06.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: David Hume (KIP) "Trapped Ion State Detection through Coherent Motion"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Absorption and emission of single photons by single atoms"

Jürgen Eschner (Universität des Saarlandes)
Wednesday, 06.07.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: Julia Repp (MPIK) "High-precision mass measurements of stored and cooled highly charged ions for fundamental studies at PENTATRAP"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Quantum logic spectroscopy and precision measurements"

Piet Schmidt (PTB)
Wednesday, 13.07.2011 at 17:30 o'clock s.t.

Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

"Bose and Fermi gases at large scattering lengths"

Rudi Grimm (Universität Innsbruck)
Wednesday, 20.07.2011 at 17:00 o'clock s.t.
Pretalk: Andre Wenz (PI) "Spin Textures and Dynamics in a Spinor BEC"
Kirchhoff-Institut, INF 227 SR 1.403
Colloquium for Atom-, Molecul- and Quantumphysics

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Preview: SS25 
IT Department